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Set Realistic Targets and Expectations (12th -16th Feb 2024)



Being over committed is a common career mistake, leading to self-stress, overwhelm and professional failure. It is important to set realistic targets rather than being too optimistic, while managing expectations of others around us at workplace.

How to set realistic targets and manage expectations?

1) "Under-promise" and over-deliver. a. Agreeing up front and not delivering is very bad for your professional outlook. b. Enjoy the satisfaction of achievement.

c. Hold yourself accountable for realistic targets. This leads to psychological freedom.

d. See if the targets are hard to achieve or structurally impossible to achieve.

Enjoy the satisfaction of achievement.

2) Identify the bottlenecks and communicate with the peers. This helps in managing the expectations. a. Are there any time or resource constraints in achieving the set targets? Discuss it with the team. b. Figure out what are the obstacles in achieving in the target, discuss existing bottlenecks, and set the right the expectations for both yourself and the others.

3) Be a realist vs a being a perfectionist a. Perfectionism leads to less productivity; giving attention to small details and lose sight of the bigger picture. Accept yourself or your position as it is, not how it should be.

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