Being on-time for a meeting is a universal etiquette that anyone seeking a successful career should develop.
How to be on time for a meeting?
1) Stop multi-tasking before the meetings.
a. Makes sure the brain stays calm. b. Channel attention towards what matters the most.
2) Stick to a strict work schedule with open chucks of time.
a. Leave buffer time for contingent situations.
b. Whenever a contingent situation occurs, do a post evaluation. Make sure it doesn’t become a recurrent issue.
3) Do not be over optimistic about time. Set realistic expectations as to how much tasks you can do in a time slot and do not overload time slots.
4) Engage in active procrastination.
a. In case you need to be somewhere for a meeting, push off unimportant tasks well in
advance to a different time slot.
5) Set simple routines by being aware of yourself.
6) Allocate 10 minutes more than how long it usually takes to get to the meeting.
7) Try to establish personal accountability and responsibility within yourself for being on time for the meeting.
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